Aproximadamente a las 2:20 de la tarde de este viernes 22 de octubre, fue asesinado a balazos el líder indígena Catarino Torres Pereda, en las oficinas del Comité de Defensa Ciudadana, CODECI, ubicadas en la Ciudad de Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
Una pareja de 2 hombres armados irrumpió en dichas oficinas para disparar a quemarropa contra el dirigente de 37 años de edad, originario de el Cacahautal, Ojitlan, Oaxaca.
Catarino Torres había padecido en los últimos diez años, una incesante persecución política, a causa de su actividad política y social, esto lo llevo a ser el primer preso político de la APPO, en el 2006, en Oaxaca y a estar recluido durante 7 meses en el penal de máxima seguridad del altiplano.
Indigenous Leader Assassinated in Oaxaca
Approximately at 2:20 en the afternoon this Friday the 22 of October, the indigenous leader Catarino Torres Pereda was assassinated in the office of the Comity for Citizen Defense (Comité de Defensa Ciudadana in spanish and know for it initials: CODECI) located in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
A pare of two men armed entered in the offices in order to shoot shamelessly the 37 year old Catarino Torres, native of Cacahuatal, Ojitlan, Oaxaca.
Those that saw the aggressors identified that they carried t-shirts and ball caps of the ex-candidate of the PRI (Partido Nacional Revolucionaria), Eviel Perez Magaña. It is unknown, however, who are the responsibles for the shooting but CODECI expects results of the investigation as soon as possible. The two shots which penetrated Catarino were of a caliber of 9 millimeters. One took Catarino Torres in the face and came to rest in his cerebrum without penetrating it. The other for his left side which exited by the right arm, penetrating both lungs.
Today, Friday, a political demonstration is taking place outside of the Cathedral, in the state capital of Oaxaca, in order to demand immediate justice for Catarino. Further demonstrations will be announced in days to come.
Catarino Torres suffered a persistent political persecution en the last 10 years for his political and social work. He was the first political prisoner of the APPO in 2006 in Oaxaca and was held 7 months in the maximum security prison, the Altiplano.
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